3 Lessons On Executive Branding From Elon Musk

The timing of Elon Musk's re-vote for his $56 billion pay package after at 10% staff layoff is optically-challenging to say the least. 

The irony is, Musk's unapologetic approach to leading his companies how he sees fit, despite popular opinion, is exactly what has made his personal brand so strong. 

Love him or hate him — as most do — there's no denying Musk follows some of the key principles in carving out an effective executive brand: 

1. Be Bold & Authentic in Your Communication:
Executives are trained to think about stakeholder optics, but those who fence-sit too often or fail to communicate original thought at the risk of offending anybody, often influence nobody. 

There are times of course, when it's better not to engage in politically-charged discussions, but effective thought leaders are bold and align communication with their true opinions. 

2. Show A Second Dimension:
Musk is unapologetic about plugging his companies, but his executive brand expands beyond business and leadership. As a visionary entrepreneur he is known to touch on any topic that intersects with technology, humanity and innovation. He also regularly shares personal updates and uses self-deprecating humor when he’s under public scrutiny. Showing this second dimension to his personality humanizes him and makes him more relatable.

 3. Engage With Your Community:
Long before Musk bought Twitter and rebranded it as X, he was engaging with fans and critics alike on his favourite public-facing platform. This strategy of engaging in two-way conversations on public platforms with public figures and everyday folks alike, offers a level of transparency and accessibility that has strengthened his executive brand. It also helps him control his own narrative by directly responding to critiques, praise and misconceptions. 

Going public with thought leadership content can be daunting for many CEOs and executives who, unlike Musk, would prefer to keep their heads down and lead a company. In today’s digital world however, customers, employees and stakeholders expect to have access to company leaders online.

Luckily, executive brand-building allows CEOs and company leaders control in establishing their online reputation. If you’re looking to carve out an executive brand or thought leadership strategy for your CEO or a company leader, we can help. You can reach us at hello@tripleamedia.ca.


3 Ways To Elevate Your CEO’s Executive Brand